Organisational units
Choose an organisational unit from the selection Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics -> Abteilung Mathematikdidaktik Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics -> Abteilung Physikdidaktik Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Abteilung Phytophotonik Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Urban Design and Planning -> Abteilung Stadt- und Raumentwicklung Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics -> Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> AG Computational Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Theory -> Architectural Design and Resources Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting -> Architectural Representation Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of History and Theory of Architecture -> Architectural Theory Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Theory -> Architecture In Context Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Microelectronic Systems -> Architectures and Systems Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Information Processing -> Automatic Image Interpretation Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Transport and Automation Technology -> Automation Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics -> Biofabrication for drug testing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Science Education -> Biology Education Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> Biomedical Engineering and Lightweight Construction Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Biophotonics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Biosystems Engineering Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Biotechnology of Natural Products Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> Brazing and Surface Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Construction -> Building Construction Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Health Economics -> Center for Health Economics Research Hannover (CHERH) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Center for Solid State Chemistry and New Materials (ZFM) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Central testing facility Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> History Department -> Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen -> Centre for Biomedical Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Centre for Continuing Education in Industrial Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Economic Policy -> Centre for Economic Policy Studies Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Centre for Radiation Protection and Radioecology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Centre for the Teaching of Engineering (ZDT) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ) Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen -> Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture (CGL) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law -> Chair in Civil Law and History of Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Chair in Civil Law and Intellectual Property Rights, and in particular Patent and Trademark Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law -> Chair in Civil Law, European and International Commercial Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Procedural Law and the Training of Lawyers -> Chair in Civil Law, German, European and International Civil Procedure Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Chair in Civil Law, Intellectual Property Rights and IT Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of International Law -> Chair in Civil Law, International Private Law, Comparative Law and Legal Practice Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Industrial, Business and Social Law -> Chair in Civil Law, Labour and Industrial Law and Civil Procedure Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Industrial, Business and Social Law -> Chair in Civil Law, Labour Law and Commercial Law Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Mechatronics (MZH) -> Chair in Continuum Robotics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Criminological Institute -> Chair in Criminal Law and criminal procedure Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Criminological Institute -> Chair in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Criminology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Criminological Institute -> Chair in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Comparative Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Chair in IT law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of the Theory of Administrative Law -> Chair in Public Law and Administrative Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of the Theory of Administrative Law -> Chair in Public Law and Philosophy of Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Industrial, Business and Social Law -> Chair in Public Law , specializing in the Law of State Transfer Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Inst. für Internationales Recht -> Chair of Public Law with an International Focus Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Science Education -> Chemistry Education Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Civil Law and Industrial Property Protection Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Civil Law, Insurance Law and Private International Law Section Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen -> Coastal Research Centre Collaborative Research Centres Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Communications Technology -> Communication Network Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Communications Technology -> Communications Systems Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Complex Interfaces Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics -> Compressor Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Computational Health Informatics Section Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) -> Computational Photonics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> CRC 1153: Tailored Forming Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC 1227: DQ-mat Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC 1368: Oxygen-free Production Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC 1463: Offshore-Megastructures Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC 1464: TerraQ Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC 871 Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods Collaborative Research Centres -> CRC/Transregio 298: SIIRI Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Criminological Institute -> Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law including Interdisciplinary Elements Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Criminological Institute Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Economic and Human Geography -> Cultural Geography Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Data Base and Information Systems Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Motion Engineering and Mechanism Design -> Data Driven Design (D³) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Data Science and Digital Libraries Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Department for Mass Spectrometry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Department for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics -> Department of Biostatistics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics -> Department of Cell Biology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics -> Department of Cell Physiology and Biophysics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics -> Department of Computational Biology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Open Space Planning and Design -> Department of Designing Urban Landscapes Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Landscape Architecture -> Department of Landscape Architecture and Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Open Space Planning and Design -> Department of Open Space Politics and Planning Communication Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Landscape Architecture -> Department of Planting Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Landscape Architecture -> Department of Presentation and Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Systems Engineering -> Dependable and Scalable Software Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Theory -> Design and Architectural Theory Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Didactics of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Section Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Digitale Bildung – Datengestütztes, digitales Lehren und Lernen Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Digital Environmental Planning Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology -> Digital Landscape Ecology Group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting -> Digital Methods in Architecture Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Motion Engineering and Mechanism Design -> Digital Optical Systems (DOS) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Distance study in Water and Environment Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Economic and Human Geography -> Economic Geography Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Drive Systems and Power Electronics -> Electrical Machines and Drive Systems Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electric Power Systems (IfES) -> Electric Power Engineering Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology -> Electromagnetic Compatibility Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of IT-Security -> Empirical Information Security Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> English Department Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> eNIFE Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Environmental Behaviour and Planning Exzellenzcluster Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Production Systems and Logistics -> Factory planning Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Floriculture Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Food-Science Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition -> Food Technology Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Forschungsbau Dynamik der Energiewandlung Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Testzentrum Tragstrukturen -> ForWind Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Fruit Growing Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences -> Geobotany Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Mineralogy -> Geochemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Geodetic Institute Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Science Education -> Geography Education Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences -> Geology Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of International Law -> German and European Constitutional and Administrative Law Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> German Department Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law -> German, European and International Civil and Commercial Law Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Research Training Group 2073 Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Landscape Architecture -> Green technologies in landscape architecture Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Guided Matter Wave Interferometry Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Mechatronics (MZH) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Hannover Production Technology Centre (PZH) Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen -> Hannover School for Nanotechnology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electric Power Systems (IfES) -> High Voltage Engineering and Asset Management Section (Schering Institute) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> History Department Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of History and Theory of Architecture -> History of Architecture and Urban Design Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen -> House of Insurance (HoI) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Practical Computer Science -> Human-Computer Interaction Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Mechatronic Systems -> Identification & Control Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Construction -> IEK Abt. Experiment.Entw.u.Konstruieren Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting -> IGD Abteilung Kunst und Gestaltung Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting -> IGD Abt. Malerei u. Grafik Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Micro Production Technology -> Industrial Sensor Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Inorganic Chemistry -> Inorganic Coordination and Materials Chemistry group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Inorganic Chemistry -> Inorganic Molecular and Materials Chemistry group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Inorganic Chemistry -> Inorganic Solid State and Materials Chemistry group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Inst. für Internationales Recht Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute for Assembly Technology and Robotics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute for Atom and Molecule Physics (AMP) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute for Risk and Reliability Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute for the Study of Religion Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Algebraic Geometry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Analysis Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Applied Mathematics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Artificial Intelligence Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Auditing and Trusts Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Automatic Control Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Banking and Finance Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Botany Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Building Materials Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Building Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Communications Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Company Taxation and Tax Theory Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Computer Science for Business Administration Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Concrete Construction Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Construction Management and Digital Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Continuum Mechanics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Controlling Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Democracy Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Construction Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Theory Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Development and Agricultural Economics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Differential Geometry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Drive Systems and Power Electronics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Econometrics and Data Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Economic and Human Geography Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Economic Policy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Education for Special Needs Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electric Power Systems (IfES) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electrothermic Process Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Environmental Economics and World Trade Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Finance and Commodity Markets Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Physics in Civil Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food and One Health Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Geobotany Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Geodesy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Geology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Geotechnical Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Government Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Gravitation Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Health Economics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of History and Theory of Architecture Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Industrial, Business and Social Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Information Processing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Innovation Economics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Innovation Research, Technology Management & Entrepreneurship Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Insurance Business Administration Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of International Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of IT-Security Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Labour Economics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Landscape Architecture Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Machine Elements and Engineering Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Macroeconomics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Marketing und Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Measurement and Control Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Mechatronic Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machines Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Meteorology and Climatology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Microbiology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Microeconomics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Microelectronic Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Micro Production Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Microwave and Wireless Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Mineralogy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Monetary Economics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Motion Engineering and Mechanism Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Multiphase Processes Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Open Space Planning and Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Philosophy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Photonics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Genetics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Nutrition Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Political Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Power Plant Engineering and Heat Transfer Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Practical Computer Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Practical Design and Art History Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Procedural Law and the Training of Lawyers Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Production Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Production Systems and Logistics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Psychology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Public Finance Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Science Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Soil Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Solid State Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Statistics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Steel Construction Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Economics and Management -> Institute of Strategic Management and Organisation Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Structural Analysis Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Systems Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Technical Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Technical Combustion Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of the Foundations of Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Theology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Theoretical Computer Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Theoretical Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Thermodynamics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of the Theory of Administrative Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Urban Design and Planning Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Vocational Sciences in Metals Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Vocational Sciences in the Building Trade Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Wind Energy Systems Collaborative Research Centres -> International RTG 2657: Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Inst. für Internationales Recht -> German and European Constitutional and Administrative Law Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Inst. für Internationales Recht -> Chair in Public Law, International and European Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> IQO Applied Laser Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Practical Computer Science -> IT-Security Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of the Theory of Administrative Law -> Junior Professorship for Public Law Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Junior Professorship for Public Law and Law of New Technologies Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Motion Engineering and Mechanism Design -> Knowledge-Based Systems Engineering (KBSE) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Knowledge-Based Systems Section Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> L3S Research Centre Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Laboratorium für Informationstechnologie (LFI) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Laser Components and Fibres Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Forschungszentrum Inclusive Citizenship Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Lab for Relational Communication Research Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Research Centre Energy 2050 Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Research Centre for Transdisciplinary Rural and Urban Spatial Transformation (TRUST) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Leibniz Research Centre Science and Society (LCSS) Leibniz University Hannover -> Leibniz School of Education (LSE) Leibniz University Hannover -> Leibniz School of Optics and Photonics (LSO) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Leibniz-Stiftungsprofessur Philosophie Leibniz Universität IT Services (LUIS) Leibniz University Hannover Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> English Department -> LG American Studies Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> English Department -> LG Anglistik Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> English Department -> LG Didaktik d. Englischen Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> English Department -> LG Englische Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Construction -> Load-Bearing Structures Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Ludwig-Franzius-Institute of Hydraulics, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Artificial Intelligence -> Machine Learning Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Micro Production Technology -> Magnetic and Biomedical Applications Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Mechatronic Systems -> Medical Technology & Image Processing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology -> Micro- and Nanoscale Integrated Systems Research Group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences -> Mineralogy Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Microelectronic Systems -> Mixed-Signal Circuits Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Mobility, Diffusion and Transfer of Ions in Solids Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Molecular beam spectroscopy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition -> Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Molecular Quantum Gases Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Molecules and Lasers Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Information Processing -> Multimedia Signal Processing Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics -> Multiphysics of Turbulent Flows Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Nanoengineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Solid State Physics -> Nanostructures Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Artificial Intelligence -> Natural Language Processing Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> Non-Destructive Testing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition -> Nutrition Physiology and Human Nutrition Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Science Education -> Nutrition Science Education Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Nutrition Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Transport and Automation Technology -> Optronics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Mineralogy -> Petrology Exzellenzcluster -> PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines (Cluster of Excellence 2122) Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) -> Photonic Quantum Technologies Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) -> Photonics - Optical Analytics, Sensing and Spectroscopy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences -> Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology -> Physical Geography Group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Phytomedicine Section Leibniz Forschungsinitiativen und Leibniz Forschungszentren -> Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) -> Phytophotonics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Drive Systems and Power Electronics -> Power Electronics and Drive Control Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Production Systems and Logistics -> Production and work design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Transport and Automation Technology -> Production in Space Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Production Systems and Logistics -> Production management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Law -> Institute of Legal Informatics -> Professorship for Public Law and Law of Digital Society Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Theology -> Protestant Theology and Religious Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Quantum Atom Optics Exzellenzcluster -> QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier (Cluster of Excellence 2123) Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Quantum Metrology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Quantum Sensing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Micro Production Technology -> Quantum Technologies Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Geology -> Quartenary Geology, Clastic Sedimentology, Basin Analysis Exzellenzcluster -> QUEST: Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research (Cluster of Excellence 201) Leibniz University Hannover -> QUEST Leibniz Research School Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Systems Engineering -> Real Time Systems Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Research Group Frank Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Mechatronic Systems -> Robotics & Autonomous Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Romance Studies Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> School for Additive Manufacturing Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Scientific Data Management Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Botany -> Section Biochemistry of Plant Specialised Metabolites Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Catalysis and Membranes Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Chemical Biology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Colloid Chemistry of Metals and Semiconductors, Spectroscopic Effects Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electric Power Systems (IfES) -> Section Electrical Energy Storage Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Functional nanostructures from assembled colloidal nanoparticles Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Medicinal Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Genetics -> Section Molecular Plant Breeding Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Natural Products Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Natural Product Synthesis Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Organometallic Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Genetics -> Section Plant Biotechnology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Genetics -> Section Plant Genomics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Plant Genetics -> Section Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Proteomics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Botany -> Section Plant Physiology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Polymers and Biomaterials Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Soil Science -> Section Soil Biophysics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Soil Science -> Section Soil Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Soil Science -> Section Soil Physics Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Structural Biology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Botany -> Section Sulfur Metabolism and Abiotic Stress Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Synthetic Biology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Organic Chemistry -> Section Synthetic Chemistry Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Thermo-Iono-Electronic materials and microstructure analysis Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Section Transient absorption spectroscopy and 2D-semiconductor nanostructures Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Urban Design and Planning -> Section Urban Design Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Geology -> Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Palynology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology -> Sensors and Measurement Technology Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Sociology Department Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Practical Computer Science -> Software Engineering Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Mineralogy -> Soil Mineralogy Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Earth System Sciences -> Soil Science Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Solid State Physics -> Solar Energy Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Inorganic Chemistry -> Solid State and Materials Characterization group Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Spatial Planning and Regional Development Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science -> Sports and Cognition Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science -> Sports and Education Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science -> Sports and Health Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science -> Sports and Movement Science/Exercise Science Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Humanities -> Institute of Sports Science -> Sports and Society Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry -> Surface reactions and catalytic model systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Solid State Physics -> Surfaces Science Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Design and Building Construction -> Sustainable Building Systems Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Systems Engineering -> Systems and Computer Architecture Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> Technology of Materials Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Geology -> Tectonics, structural geology and tectonic geomorphology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Urban Design and Planning -> Territorial Design and Urban Planning Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Testzentrum Tragstrukturen Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Transport and Automation Technology -> Transport Technology Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Trapped-Ion Quantum Engineering Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics -> Turbine Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics -> Institute of Quantum Optics -> Ultrafast Laser Laboratory Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science -> Institute of Geotechnical Engineering -> Underground Construction Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -> Institute of Materials Science -> Underwater Technology Centre Hanover Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of IT-Security -> Usable Security and Privacy Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Vegetable Systems Modelling Section Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences -> Institute of Environmental Planning -> Vegetation Management Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Communications Technology -> Verteilte Echtzeitsysteme Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -> Institute of Data Science -> Visual Analytics Section Weitere Forschungsbereiche und Infrastrukturen Leibniz University Hannover -> Faculty of Natural Sciences -> Institute of Horticultural Production Systems -> Woody Plant and Propagation Physiology Section
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