1. FPLC-Gerät 4: Äkta Start, Cytiva

    Köhnke, J. (Head)

    Biotechnology of Natural Products Section

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

  2. ESR, Benchtop (Magnetech MS5000 / BRUKER)

    Polarz, S. (Head)

    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

  3. Flüssig NMR, JEOL Resonanz ECZS, 400 MHz

    Polarz, S. (Head)

    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

  4. Pulver-Röntgen-Diffraktometer P-XRD (Stoe Theta-Theta)

    Polarz, S. (Head)

    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

  5. TGA (Netzsch STA 449 F5 Jupiter)

    Polarz, S. (Head)

    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

  6. Pulver-Röntgen-Diffraktometer P-XRD (Stoe Stadi P)

    Polarz, S. (Head)

    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

    Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

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