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Sengupta, Meghdut
- Institute of Artificial Intelligence - Researcher
- Natural Language Processing Section - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Senkler, Jennifer
Dr.- Section Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Proteomics - Staff
Person: Technical/Administrative (Staff)
Senkler, Michael
- Institute of Plant Genetics - Executive Board
- Section Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Proteomics - Staff
Person: Technical/Administrative (Staff)
Sester, Monika
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics - Professor, Executive Director
- Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) - Professor
- Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO - Spokesperson
Person: Academic (Staff)
Shafea, Leila
Dr.- Soil Science Section - Postdoctoral Researcher, Researcher
- Institute of Soil Science - Postdoctoral Researcher
- Section Soil Biophysics - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Shi, Jianwei
- Software Engineering Section - Researcher
- L3S Research Centre - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Shrivastava, Ananya
- Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics - Researcher
- Department of Cell Biology - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Singer, Christian Ronny
- Mineralogy Section - Researcher
- Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO - Coordinator
- Petrology - Doctoral candidate
Person: Academic (Staff)
Siring, Janina
- Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machines - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Skelton, Shawn
- Institute of Theoretical Physics - Doctoral candidate, Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Smoczyk, Knut
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Differential Geometry - Professor, Executive Director
- Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics - Member
Person: Academic (Staff)
Soleimani, Meisam
Dr.- Institute of Continuum Mechanics - Researcher, Group Leader
Person: Academic (Staff)
Sönksen, Jantje
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Econometrics and Data Science - Professor, Executive Director
Person: Academic (Staff)
Spahiu, Fabian
- Institute of Sports Science - Researcher
- Sports and Health - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)