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Werthmann, Christian
Prof.- Institute of Landscape Architecture - Professor, Executive Director, Executive Board
- Department of Landscape Architecture and Design - Professor
- Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture (CGL) - Executive Board
Person: Academic (Staff)
Wester, Hendrik
- Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machines - Researcher, Team Leader
Person: Academic (Staff)
Weyer, Stefan
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Mineralogy - Professor, Executive Director, Executive Board
- Institute of Earth System Sciences - Executive Director
- Mineralogy Section - Executive Board, Professor, Executive Director
- Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO - Executive Board
- Geochemistry - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Wicht, Bernhard
Prof. Dr.- Mixed-Signal Circuits Section - Professor
- Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) - Member
Person: Academic (Staff)
Wick, Thomas
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Applied Mathematics - Professor, Executive Director, Executive Board
- International RTG 2657: Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Wiese, Leon Vincent
- Institute of Measurement and Control Engineering - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Wille, Annika Meike
Prof. Dr.- Institute of the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics - Professor
- Abteilung Mathematikdidaktik - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Winkelmann, Traud
Prof. Dr.- Research section Reproduction and Development - Professor, Management
- Institute of Horticultural Production Systems - Executive Director
Person: Academic (Staff)
Winsemann, Jutta
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Geology - Professor, Executive Board
- Geology Section - Professor, Executive Board
- Quartenary Geology, Clastic Sedimentology, Basin Analysis - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Witte, Claus-Peter
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Plant Nutrition - Professor, Executive Director
Person: Academic (Staff)