- 2024
The Social Norm of Bridewealth
Bühler, C. (Speaker), Diekmann, A. (Speaker) & Fehlhaber, A. L. (Speaker)
8 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
- 2023
Marrying young or well-equipped? On the trade-off between marriage costs and the duration of engagement in Egypt
20 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
The Fertility of Migrants and Minorities in Europe: Fertility Intentions of Turkish Migrants in Germany and the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria Compared
26 Apr 2023Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of doctoral thesis
- 2022
Prompt dower, women’s bargaining power, and agency during marriage in Egypt
14 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
- 2019
International Sociological Association (ISA) (External organisation)
2019Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) (External organisation)
2019Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
- 2018
'Resource Defense Polygyny‘ and its Applicability to Human Marriage
14 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
- 2017
Polygyny and Bridewealth
Bühler, C. (Speaker) & Diekmann, A. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
Akademie für Soziologie e.V. (External organisation)
2017Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
- 2015
The Theory of Uncertainty Reduction Revisited: Does Parenthood Provide Certainty?
Bühler, C. (Speaker) & Brünig, B. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
The Theory of Uncertainty Reduction Revisited: Does Parenthood Provide Certainty?
Bühler, C. (Speaker) & Brünig, B. (Speaker)
18 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
- 2001
German Sociological Association (External organisation)
2001Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community