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Institute of Landscape Architecture
Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Machine Elements and Engineering Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Marketing und Management
Faculty of Economics and Management
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Measurement and Control Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Meteorology and Climatology
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Microelectronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Micro Production Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Microwave and Wireless Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Institute of Mineralogy
Taken over by Mineralogy Section
Organisational unit: former organisational unit
Institute of Motion Engineering and Mechanism Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Organisational unit: Institute