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German Department

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor address.
Königsworther Platz 1
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  1. LingRace: Linguistic Racism in multilingual areas. An interdisciplinary approach

    Binanzer, A., Guarda, M., Wisthaler, V. & Siewert, S.

    15 Oct 202314 Sept 2026

    Project: Research

  2. The urban vernacular of Hanover (second project phase)

    Conrad, F.

    1 Jan 202331 Mar 2024

    Project: Research

  3. The urban vernacular of Hanover

    Conrad, F.

    1 Jan 202031 Dec 2022

    Project: Research

  4. Within the alphabet of facts and fictions. The encyclopedia as literature

    van Hoorn, T.

    1 Apr 201831 Mar 2021

    Project: Research