1. 2024
  2. Elektronisch veröffentlicht (E-Pub)

    Burning out, fading away, and the sophomore slump: Critics’ versus fans’ ratings of music artists’ album quality over time

    Webster, G. D. & Zander, L., 27 Nov. 2024, (Elektronisch veröffentlicht (E-Pub)) in: Psychology of music. 18 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  3. Veröffentlicht

    Examining the Psychometric Properties of the BIIS-2 in Ethnic Minority Adolescents in Germany

    Duwe, P. & Titzmann, P. F., 12 Sept. 2024, in: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development. 5, S. 251-262 12 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  4. Veröffentlicht

    Culture, Development and Adolescence: towards a Theory and History of Adolescence

    Zizek, B., 12 Juli 2024, in: Ethics in Progress. 15, 1, S. 111-129 19 S., 6.

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  5. 2023
  6. Veröffentlicht

    Doing GenderBody and Gendered Probation. A Case (Re)Constructive Analysis of Gendered Probation

    Kirchner, A. & Zizek, B., 31 Juli 2023, in: Ethics in Progress. 14, 1, S. 78-93 16 S.

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  7. Veröffentlicht

    The Headphone and Loudspeaker Test: Part I: Suggestions for controlling characteristics of playback devices in internet experiments

    Wycisk, Y., Kopiez, R., Bergner, J., Sander, K., Preihs, S., Peissig, J. & Platz, F., Apr. 2023, in: Behavior research methods. 55, 3, S. 1094-1107 14 S.

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  8. 2022
  9. More Than Storage of Information: What Working Memory Contributes to Visual Abductive Reasoning

    Klichowicz, A., Rosner, A. & Krems, J. F., 2022, in: Advances in Cognitive Psychology. 18, 3, S. 203-214 12 S.

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  10. 2021
  11. Veröffentlicht

    A revised instrument for the assessment of empathy and Theory of Mind in adolescents: Introducing the EmpaToM-Y

    Breil, C., Kanske, P., Pittig, R. & Böckler, A., Dez. 2021, in: Behavior research methods. 53, 6, S. 2487-2501 15 S.

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  12. Veröffentlicht

    Changes in emotional problems, hyperactivity and conduct problems in moderate to late preterm children and adolescents born between 1958 and 2002 in the United Kingdom

    Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Baumann, N., Trower, H., Brylka, A., Räikkönen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., Schnitzlein, D. & Lemola, S., 26 Juni 2021, in: JCPP Advances. 1, 2, 11 S., e12018.

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  13. 2020
  14. This is my project! The influence of involvement on psychological ownership and wildlife conservation

    Greving, H., Bruckermann, T. & Kimmerle, J., Aug. 2020, in: Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology. 1, 100001.

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  15. 2018
  16. Comparing eye trackers by correlating their eye-metric data

    Titz, J., Scholz, A. & Sedlmeier, P., Okt. 2018, in: Behavior research methods. 50, 5, S. 1853-1863 11 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review