1. 2023
  2. Veröffentlicht

    The marriage age U-shape

    Jelnov, P., 2023, in: Journal of demographic economics. 89, 2, S. 211-252 42 S.

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  3. 2022
  4. Veröffentlicht

    Striking a new path to study the adaptation processes of immigrant adolescents: Changes in language use and family interactions

    Aumann, L., Titzmann, P. F. & Lee, R. M., 2022, in: Developmental psychology. 58, 6, S. 1163–1175 13 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  5. 2020
  6. Veröffentlicht

    Transnational entrepreneurs: opportunity or necessity driven? Empirical evidence from two dynamic economies from Latin America and Europe

    von Bloh, J., Mandakovic, V., Apablaza, M., Amorós, J. E. & Sternberg, R., 26 Juli 2020, in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46, 10, S. 2008-2026 19 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  7. Veröffentlicht

    The role of psychologists in international migration research: Complementing other expertise and an interdisciplinary way forward

    Psychology of Migration Working Group, P. O. M. W. G., Juni 2020, in: Migration Studies. 10, 2, S. 356-373 18 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  8. 2019
  9. Reurbanisation: A long-term process or a short-term stage?

    Kabisch, N., Haase, D. & Haase, A., 1 Nov. 2019, in: Population, space and place. 25, 8, e2266.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  10. Veröffentlicht

    Driven by Context? The Interrelated Effects of Parents, Peers, Classrooms on Development of Prejudice Among Swedish Majority Adolescents

    Miklikowska, M., Bohman, A. & Titzmann, P. F., Nov. 2019, in: Developmental Psychology. 55, 11, S. 2451-2463 13 S.

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  11. Veröffentlicht

    Migration as an adjustment mechanism in the crisis? A comparison of Europe and the United States 2006–2016

    Jauer, J., Liebig, T., Martin, J. P. & Puhani, P. A., Jan. 2019, in: Journal of population economics. 32, 1, S. 1-22 22 S.

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  12. 2017
  13. Veröffentlicht

    Cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills, and family background: evidence from sibling correlations

    Anger, S. & Schnitzlein, D. D., Apr. 2017, in: Journal of population economics. 30, 2, S. 591-620 30 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  14. Veröffentlicht

    Trajectories of victimization in ethnic diaspora immigrant and native adolescents: Separating acculturation from development

    Jugert, P. & Titzmann, P. F., 1 März 2017, in: Developmental Psychology. 53, 3, S. 552-566 15 S.

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  15. 2016
  16. The Bulgarian educational system and gender segregation in the labour market

    Bieri, F., Imdorf, C., Stoilova, R. & Boyadjieva, P., 14 März 2016, in: European societies. 18, 2, S. 158-179 22 S.

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  17. 2015
  18. Veröffentlicht

    Subnational Population Projections by Age: An Evaluation of Combined Forecast Techniques

    Reinhold, M. & Thomsen, S. L., 23 Mai 2015, in: Population Research and Policy Review. 34, 4, S. 593-613 21 S.

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  19. 2014
  20. How important is the family? Evidence from sibling correlations in permanent earnings in the USA, Germany, and Denmark

    Schnitzlein, D. D., Jan. 2014, in: Journal of population economics. 27, 1, S. 69-89 21 S.

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  21. 2013
  22. Veröffentlicht

    Short-term training programs for immigrants in the German welfare system: do effects differ from natives and why?

    Thomsen, S. L., Walter, T. & Aldashev, A., 16 Dez. 2013, in: IZA Journal of Migration. 2, 1, 24.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  23. Changes in employed people's health satisfaction

    Jungbauer-Gans, M. & Krug, G., 11 Sept. 2013, in: Comparative Population Studies. 38, 3, S. 617-648 32 S.

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  24. 2012
  25. The Relation of Diverging Urban Growth Processes and Demographic Change along an Urban-Rural Gradient

    Kroll, F. & Kabisch, N., Mai 2012, in: Population, space and place. 18, 3, S. 260-276 17 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  26. 2011
  27. Diversifying European agglomerations: Evidence of urban population trends for the 21st century

    Kabisch, N. & Haase, D., Mai 2011, in: Population, space and place. 17, 3, S. 236-253 18 S.

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  28. Veröffentlicht

    The effects of parental leave extension on training for young women

    Puhani, P. A. & Sonderhof, K., Apr. 2011, in: Journal of population economics. 24, 2, S. 731-760 30 S.

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  29. 2009
  30. Social selectivity of track mobility in secondary schools: A comparison of intra-secondary transitions in germany and The Netherlands

    Jacob, M. & Tieben, N., Dez. 2009, in: European societies. 11, 5, S. 747-773 27 S.

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  31. 2007
  32. Learning from others and receiving support: The impact of personal networks on fertility intentions in Poland

    Bühler, C. & Fratczak, E., Juli 2007, in: European Societies. 9, 3, S. 359-382 24 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  33. Soziales Kapital und Fertilität

    Bühler, C., 2007, in: Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 59, SUPPL. 47, S. 397-419

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsarbeitForschungPeer-Review

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