1. 2012
  2. ShoeSense: A New Perspective on Hand Gestures and Wearable Applications

    Bailly, G., Müller, J., Rohs, M., Wigdor, D. & Kratz, S., 5 Mai 2012, CHI '12: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. S. 1239-1248 10 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  3. Pico Projectors: Firefly or Bright Future?

    Dachselt, R., Häkkilä, J., Jones, M., Löchtefeld, M., Rohs, M. & Rukzio, E., 1 März 2012, in: Interactions. 19, 2, S. 24-29 6 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelTransfer

  4. Sketch-a-TUI: Low Cost Prototyping of Tangible Interactions Using Cardboard and Conductive Ink

    Wiethoff, A., Schneider, H., Rohs, M., Butz, A. & Greenberg, S., 19 Feb. 2012, TEI '12: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. S. 309-312 4 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  5. Internationalization of Linked Data: The case of the Greek DBpedia edition

    Kontokostas, D., Bratsas, C., Auer, S., Hellmann, S., Antoniou, I. & Metakides, G., 18 Jan. 2012, in: Journal of Web Semantics. 15, S. 51-61 11 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  6. Diachronic linked data: Towards long-term preservation of structured interrelated information

    Auer, S., Dalamagas, T., Parkinson, H., Bancilhon, F., Flouris, G., Sacharidis, D., Buneman, P., Kotzinos, D., Stavrakas, Y., Christophides, V., Papastefanatos, G. & Thiveos, K., 2012, WOD '12: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Open Data. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), S. 31-39 9 S. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  7. 2011
  8. Veröffentlicht

    Evaluation of an image-based talking head with realistic facial expression and head motion

    Liu, K. & Ostermann, J., 29 Okt. 2011, in: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. 5, S. 37-44 8 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review

  9. Dynamic Ambient Lighting for Mobile Devices

    Qin, Q., Rohs, M. & Kratz, S., 16 Okt. 2011, UIST '11 Adjunct: Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium adjunct on User interface software and technology. S. 51-52 2 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  10. Automated Application of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms in a Component-Based System

    Thomm, I., Stilkerich, M., Kapitza, R., Lohmann, D. & Schröder-Preikschat, W., Sept. 2011, JTRES '11: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. S. 87-95 9 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  11. Exploiting Static Application Knowledge in a Java Compiler for Embedded Systems: A Case Study

    Erhardt, C., Stilkerich, M., Lohmann, D. & Schröder-Preikschat, W., Sept. 2011, JTRES '11: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. S. 96-105 10 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  12. An Infrastructure for Composing Build Systems of Software Product Lines

    Elsner, C., Lohmann, D. & Schröder-Preikschat, W., Aug. 2011, SPLC '11: Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference. Band 2.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  13. Veröffentlicht

    A Transfer Approach to Detecting Disease Reporting Events in Blog Social Media

    Stewart, A., Smith, M. & Nejdl, W., 6 Juni 2011, HT 2011 - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), S. 271-280 10 S. (HT 2011 - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia).

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  14. Veröffentlicht

    Beyond the usual suspects: Context-aware revisitation support

    Kawase, R., Papadakis, G., Herder, E. & Nejdl, W., 6 Juni 2011, HT 2011 - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), S. 27-36 10 S. (HT 2011 - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia).

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  15. CapWidgets: Tangible Widgets versus Multi-Touch Controls on Mobile Devices

    Kratz, S., Westermann, T., Rohs, M. & Essl, G., 7 Mai 2011, CHI EA '11: CHI '11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. S. 1351-1356 6 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  16. Interaction with Magic Lenses: Real-World Validation of a Fitts' Law Model

    Rohs, M., Oulasvirta, A. & Suomalainen, T., 7 Mai 2011, CHI '11: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. S. 2725-2728 4 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  17. Mobile and Personal Projection (MP2)

    Dachselt, R., Löchtefeld, M., Jones, M., Rohs, M., Häkkilä, J. & Rukzio, E., 7 Mai 2011, CHI EA '11: CHI '11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. S. 21-23 3 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  18. Real-Time Nonverbal Opinion Sharing through Mobile Phones during Sports Events

    Shirazi, A. S., Rohs, M., Schleicher, R., Kratz, S., Müller, A. & Schmidt, A., 7 Mai 2011, CHI '11: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. S. 307-310 4 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  19. Veröffentlicht

    Teaching old services new tricks: Adding HATEOAS support as an afterthought

    Liskin, O., Singer, L. & Schneider, K., 28 März 2011, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on RESTful Design, WS-REST 2011. S. 3-10 8 S. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  20. Efficient data transmission between multimedia web services via aspect-oriented programmINg

    Seiler, D., Juhnke, E., Ewerth, R., Grauer, M. & Freisleben, B., 23 Feb. 2011, MMSys'11 : Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Multimedia Systems Conference. S. 93-103 11 S. (MMSys'11 - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Multimedia Systems Conference).

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  21. Protractor3D: A Closed-Form Solution to Rotation-Invariant 3D Gestures

    Kratz, S. & Rohs, M., 13 Feb. 2011, IUI '11: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. S. 371-374 4 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/KonferenzbandAufsatz in KonferenzbandForschungPeer-Review

  22. Class expression learning for ontology engineering

    Lehmann, J., Auer, S., Bühmann, L. & Tramp, S., 12 Jan. 2011, in: Journal of Web Semantics. 9, 1, S. 71-81 11 S.

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungPeer-Review